Since 2015. Every time Oz dollar goes lower there is a country that increase their position in Aussie dollar. Which country do you think does that ? and why would they do that ?? It's really scary but they are smart as a country. At the same time; In my opinion it's the same thing as DE dollarizing. Nmhhh. Finding balance is hard for a country. Investment, Economy, Spending, Currency and livelihood of citizens. Worst in this capital world; other country is taking advantage in this …
AUDUSD ? Not So Fun facts for FX:AUDUSD by reazosman
Since 2015. Every time Oz dollar goes lower there is a country that increase their position in Aussie dollar. Which country do you think does that ? and why would they do that ?? It's really scary but they are smart as a country. At the same time; In my opinion it's the same thing…