NYSE:JPM is the last Bank that has been able to hold onto its Dow 30 component status. It is running up on a combination of buybacks and ETF development for Dow 30 index components. The stock is over-speculated heading into the earnings season. Volume Oscillators show the extreme pattern clearly. So even minimal weakness in the earnings report could cause an HFT trigger. It might surprise either way. Some of its growth in 2023 was due to the regional bank debacle when JPM chose certain …

Over-speculated Patterns Heading Into Earnings Season for NYSE:JPM by MarthaStokesCMT-TechniTrader
NYSE:JPM is the last Bank that has been able to hold onto its Dow 30 component status. It is running up on a combination of buybacks and ETF development for Dow 30 index components. The stock is over-speculated heading into the earnings season. Volume Oscillators show the extreme pattern clearly. So even minimal weakness in…