Imagine that some of the stablecoin going to be swing …. you should know the coin which have had at least more stable than other.
That price 0,15 is good level for last 2 years time and show activity
CVD are not decreasing much , just nobody buy while snow ball falling, that is reason for hitting out weakhands. It can’t fall because no one sell it in a big quantities , that price it’s not about real estimation.
CZ says that FTX been involved in crash of Luna and DO Kwon going to reveal someting in USA court soon , he’s been extradited already under USA controll . It’s good way for appearing a another owners of Terra ecosystem.
One of the whales that is Binance, which better repeg them than just lost this asset And for over 2 years they are not showing signs of selling that
so what i want to say , in era of shitcoins , it looks not as bad as some other and especially by that price
it could be not repeg , but at least rise to 0,03