The Fed say don't worry, things are looking good. There is 'no landing'. So lets be happy and continue as usual. The stocks are riding high. Jobs are plenty. Surely things are fine. But the MARKET says other wise. Above is a simple way of looking at it. The market looks like it is scared shit and continue to buy up longer term bonds. If you look closely, 3.70% is the line separating heaven and hell. I am sitting back until it falls below, then it should be time to begin trading – unlike many …

US10Y : What/where to look for TVC:US10Y by i_am_siew
The Fed say don't worry, things are looking good. There is 'no landing'. So lets be happy and continue as usual. The stocks are riding high. Jobs are plenty. Surely things are fine. But the MARKET says other wise. Above is a simple way of looking at it. The market looks like it is scared…